It purifies blood, stimulates digestion, eliminates body toxins and good for diabetes.
- Bitter gourd: 4-5
- Salt: 7-8tbsp (or as per taste)
- Oil: for frying
- Onion: 2(medium)
- Turmeric pwd: 1tsp
- Fennel(Saunf) pwd: 2 tsp
- Amchur: 1 ½ tsp
- Corriander pwd: 2tsp
- Thread: 5 (4-5 cm long, to wrap around bittergourd)
- Red chilli pwd: as per taste
Method: (The yellow thing in below picture is inner stuff of karela)
- Wash Bitter gourd properly. Give a slit from centre(lengthwise) and remove the inner stuff of bitter gourd to make it empty. (Keep that inner stuff aside, we'll use it later)
- Apply salt on the bitter gourd with hand (inside and out everwhere). Keep it aside for 10-15 mins. (We apply salt to take out its excess bitterness)
- Grate the onions or grind them into a fine paste.
- Remove the seeds from the inner stuff(that you took out from bitter gourd) and grind the remaining inner stuff of bitter gourd with onion.
- Heat oil in pan for deep frying. Put bitter gourd in oil and deep fry them (just for few mins to make it light brown). If you'll deep fry them for long time, the skin of bitter gourd will become hard.(Don't deep fry for long time.)
- After deep frying, take out oil from pan and empty it. In the same pan, add ground onion and cook for few mins on sim gas till onion becomes light brown. Add salt(as per taste), Fennel pwd, Coriander pwd, Amchur, Red chilli pwd and turmeric pwd. Mix them properly. Remove from gas and let it cool.
- Take bitter gourd and stuff the onion paste (~1tbsp) in it and wrap the thread around it. Similarly, prepare all the bitter gourds.
- Again, Slightly grease the pan with oil and put all the bitter gourds in it and cook for 5 mins on sim gas.(While cooking, don't cover the lid ).
- Healthy and tasty Bitter gourd is ready to eat with Parantha's . You can refrigerate them for 20-25days.

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